LTTA_06 – Trikala-GREECE

Sunday 29/5/2022- Saturday 4/6/2022

Recapitalizing on SEL and TPSR – SEL and RESPONSIBILITY Assessment seminar – Practical IMPACT – Good PRACTICES – Promotion/Dissemination

Description of the activity:

Kick-off seminar: ?Revisiting SEL and TPSR?.

Main seminar #1:

Students? SEL assessment by teachers after intervention:

  • SEL observation assessment tools

Students? RESPONSIBILITY self-reported assessment after intervention:

  • Personal and Social Responsibility Questionnaire (PSRQ)
  • Extensive Questionnaire of Responsibility in Physical Education (EQRPE)

Main seminar #2:

  • Practical impact of Social Emotional competencies and Responsibility on school climate (respect and motivation) and the development of good practices (e.g. conflict resolution, control of impulses, inclusion, motivation, self-regulation, empathy, etc.)
  • Promotion of the project/Dissemination of the results within each school and in the broader community (press conferences in mass media, presentations to local academic community, local network schools, project website)
  • Feedback from the partner participants and assessment of the project

Local and visiting teachers (of several specialties) participated actively in the above seminars. Local and national culture was introduced; participating teachers visited local monuments, museums and art galleries.

How did the participation in this activity benefit the involved participants?

All partners engaged in active participation and productive dialogue regarding the ?RULER? perspective, the nine TARE strategies, and the ?World Caf?? method.

Continuous virtual and interactive feedback from the coordinator and the partners regarding exchange of practical information facilitated the whole process. Partners were informed on the administration of self-reported and observation tools and the evaluation and interpretation of the produced results. 

A prolific conversation and exchange of perspectives took place entitled ?The impact of students? SEL development and RESPONSIBILITY promotion on school?s climate and educational achievements?. Good practices were proposed and planned to be tested in each partner?s organization. Specific guidelines were given regarding life skills embedment in daily lesson plans of all subjects and in school policies as well.

Finally, promotion of the project and dissemination of the results was discussed and evaluated. Local network schools were established to be informed about the project while partners would assume the role of multipliers.